'Tis the season, however...

It is the holiday season, and that’s a great time of year for many. But that is not the case for all. I feel that’s important to remember.

Many use this time of year to pontificate on and celebrate all in their lives for which they are grateful. Some use this time of year to stunt and front. Some go into debt this time of year. Some use their free time this time of year to give back to others. For some, this time of year means nothing significant at all. See where I’m going with this? I think all of the above is normal. It is also normal, however, and more than ok for none of the above to be true. And it’s more than ok to not be thankful or grateful during the holiday season. It is not a problem if that is your truth.

Many of us, plenty of us, are going through it, working hard simply to stay afloat or keep our heads above water physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, etc. Many of us, plenty of us, are simply existing, searching, waiting for some inspiration or any little sign from the universe indicating we will survive. Many, plenty, battle feelings of depression, loss, loneliness and/or anxiety that only intensify during the holidays. And that’s all ok. It’s ok to not be in the holiday spirit. It’s ok to be in whatever spirit is authentic to your true feelings. And it’s perfectly ok to voice that, to be honest about it. If you’re not bubbling over in jolliness, don’t feel bad about that. And if you are at the height of jolliness, be considerate when attempting to share or spread that. Be considerate of everyone’s mood, even those that far from match your own.

There are many of us, plenty of us who are grateful every day, jolly every day. The reasons for having and expressing gratitude and happiness in life can be immense. Many of us wake up every day with a sense of gratitude and happiness in our hearts. But it is more than ok if that’s not you. What’s also for certain is that many folks’ attitudes undergo drastic changes during the holiday season, some for the better, some for the worse. So none of us should feel pressured to fall into those temporary snares the holidays can lay. There are many of us, plenty of us, who will sit around a table in the coming days being asked to share what we are thankful for. And many of us, plenty of us, will never be asked that question or won’t be asked it again until the same time next year. So recognize your power. Be honest! Whether your feelings are positive or the opposite, know that it is ok to have plenty to say. And it is also ok to have nothing or very little to say.

If the holidays are a period of unhappiness for you, don’t swallow those feelings. Don’t feel pressured to hide those feelings. For many of us, plenty of us, the holidays are a great, festive time of year, full of good times and merry memories. But that’s not the case for all. Let’s all remember that. Do not seek to project onto others any feelings they are not genuinely receptive to. Let’s be kind to those who are not in the holiday spirit. And let’s show that kindness even after this season is over.

Brandy Donaldson